Sunday, December 03, 2006


First things first, Allah ma nazal hal aya 3ashan hal sibab.

Loans. I've always read in the news about people demanding their loans to be dropped.
Call me delusional, call me naive, call me old-fashioned, call me whatever but I thought it was a joke I didn't get.

In Webster's, the definition for Loans is:

"1 a : money lent at interest b : something lent usually for the borrower's temporary use."

The economic definition of monetary loans is:

"Like all debt instruments, a loan entails the redistribution of financial assets over time, between the lender and the borrower.
The borrower initially receives an amount of money from the lender, which they pay back, usually but not always in regular installments, to the lender. This service is generally provided at a cost, referred to as interest on the debt."

While Commercial Banks rely on loans as their main source of income, inconsiderate people ask for their loans to be dropped.
This basically means that Camel people, Gulf people and other "Commercial" banks would face a hard time receiving income due to the lack of interest received in the long run. It would also mess up interest rates.

BTW, I'm also against jailing people for debts. Do a credit system just like in the U.S. it works just fine, but that's not the case. And if you actually can't pay your loans, TOUGH SHIT, you bit up more than you could chew.

Fine drop the loans, but every person with a dropped debt should pass their raises to honest and hardworking bankers. That's only fair.


antihero said...

Sure why not.. drop 'em.. so we can take more loans and buy newer cars and travel even more.. and in 10 years will hope that the government forgot about this and we demand again for the loans to be dropped.

Aren't we a responsible nation? we are.. we do value money.. we've learnt our lessons from all the economical disasters we've been through.

Naser said...

Dude, dropping loans would generate a period of excess cash to consumers that they're used to paying their debts with. This would make interest rates fall, people don't exactly know the long-run consequences. Banks' Job opportunities would lessen for people, services may even worsen. It's messed up people need to learn to be responsible for their own actions. Every once in a while our beloved citizens demand something outrageous. Not everyone knows the TVM concept and how much it'd hurt a whole country. I mean I am not ready for shortage, monopoly, lesser job opportunities and a declining dinar.

Mrs. said...

Yeah ana thed esqa6 el qerooth. SEJ mala da3ey!! SHa3ab emdalal methel el Kuwaiteyen mako! La tax wala ba6eekh! Sej people are never satisfied, all they want is more more more. Next would be sheno 200 denar men7a?? Nabee 500!

Naser said...

Yeah, we're spoiled. We always want free money and we can never get enough of it. As for the 200 men7a had they invested on an I/R as low as 4% for 7 yrs it'd double. Maybe then we can, as a country, provide better health care and education.

Anonymous said...

Some families in Kuwait need loans just to make ends meet. Look at the economics aspect of it all u want, but thats not what I think our Kuwait is all about. I don't disapprove of the "helping hand" for the needy.

Also antihero, I think it is disrespectful to sarcastically throw in a phrase like " Aren't we a responsible nation?". Negative comments like that only set us back. Thanx for contributing.

coolfreak, and since when was favoring corporations over the ppl the right thing to do? Kuwait and its ppl have always been proud of who they are as a nation. Our pride did not spawn out of our riches, nor is it dependable on it.

Lets not forget that our spoiled character was born out of us as a society. Its always the fortunate that start those trends. Then its the same ppl who complain about them. How many of u bragged to their foreign friends about our Kuwaiti lifestyle? Im sure we are all guilty of that.

I think an ideal society is a society of the ppl. Many may think otherwise. Economics yields politics, polotics is bullshit with a worse smell. Many of us stink of it and should be cleansed with a bigger heart and a shift in priorities. At a time when major scandals and thefts go unpunnished dropping the loans of the needy (even if not everyone is in need), will not cause the drastic changes u talked about.

I'm no business man nor am i experienced with the rise and fall of economies. I'm just a person that thinks the failure of us as a society isnt measured by how rich our country is, i think its measured by how we care for one another as a nation.

I enjoy ur blog, i frequent it and find great interest in its content. When it comes to the subject in hand i will have to disagree. I will not call u naive nor will i call u old-fashioned, because ur completely the opposite of that. TVM isnt in an old fashioned persons vocabulary, and if u were naive u'd look into ur heart rather than ur textbook.

PS. dont call me a hippy or i will be forced to burn a tree to prove otherwise.

Naser said...

You do got a great point. Us Kuwaitis do get great benefits. Us Kuwaitis are cursed with "Pride". I'm never favoring corporations on the average joes. Not that I'm against their filthy ways of making money. I also may be a bit over pessimistic when it comes to the predicted outcomes. Most of all, I'm concerned for the PRIDE aspect of it. That's the low point of us all. Offcoarse it's one of your simplest right to be proud of who you are and/or where you come from. But where did pride take us?
People who borrow loans to spend the summer in London?
People who borrow loans because driving a cheap, economically sensible car would raise questions.
and even worse,
Young individuals, somewhat my age, taking loans to build a company thinking they'd make it to the top without even studying the market.
Now amongst all them, who really desperately needs that loan?

My 2nd concern is: Free money doesn't just happen. for every action force there is an equal (in size) and opposite (in direction) reaction force. Newtons 3rd law, It maybe outrageous to drop a physics theory in here but the question that lay in hand if we done paying. How may that effect our economy? Surely it would one way or another. Whether it was sudden income or sudden loss it'd effect it in a bad way for ATLEAST sometime.

Anon, You do seem like a fairly intelligent person, wouldn't you rather they use the money for bettering the health services? better yet the education? I've grew up in a period where our books were fresh out the 60's and there is a huge distrust AND fear from the local clinic.

I've no say so in their decisions :). Certainly I'm not saying don't give the people the money. Certainly I'm not asking anyone to just hide that excess cash in their pockets. I just think there are better ways than just GIVING the money.

BTW, I know a mother of 3 orphans living in an apartment in Hawalli, Bait elzakkat refused to give her ANY donations whatso ever. Their representative thought she didn't deserve it because she actually had "canned food" in her kitchen. Now those maybe people who'd deserve free money. Suffering people.

Anonymous said...

It is ur blog, and dont take this the wrong way. Im not trying to direct you in any way. Afterall, its what you write and how you write it that attracts me and many others to your blog. If you had wrote your views in a more sensitive way I think you would have made a greater impact. What uou wrote lacked basic sensitivity. The decline of health care quality and action to improve it doesnt have to be a substite to the "hand out". Why cant we ask for that along with the loan drop.

If health care is a greater concern to you and many others maybe that should be in your blog rather than the more trendy(what everyone is talking about)subject of loan drops. Don't take offense to the previous sentence, thats not what im trying to do. The last thing I'd want to do is offend someone on a rampage.

It's not pride that u should demean, its pride in the wrong things thats "taking us nowhere".

The money certainly isn't free. We are all part of our beloved Kuwait, we all have rights to what burried beneath us. Some give more than they take, some take more than they give, but all of us have a right to it.

It seems like this turned into more of a discussion rather than a commenting area. I will read your reply and seize from posting a return comment, since its backs and forths like this that tend to subconciously descourage many of writing what they truely feel.

Naser said...

LOL, I wrote about loans because I was randomly checking the news papers and I'm like is that personal regular ass loans? They go yea. I go that's bullshit. I mean since it's like begging and in a government like ours they do shut us up with money. Let there be a big concern in local news regarding a "boga" if the juice was worth the squeeze they'd actually drop loans. As for my sensitivity. I don't show emotions. It's rather hard. But thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Anonymous said...

ana 9ij ba3ad thed esqa6 elqoroth..
yakhy sheno ta6leb esga6 elqoroth?? takheth qarth 3ashan etsafer amrika wala italy o etefalsaf... o takheth qarth teshtery 7g ur spoiled kid FERRARI?!!! wala 7g murtek PRADA FINDI bags?? mu lazim u take loans for that!!! hl ashya2 isnt necessary wallah!!! u can buy a TOYOTA car instead its a car btwa9lek elmukan ely taby methel matwa9lek el FERRARI!!o u can go to shalaih or any resorts ehny blkuwait o etghayer jaw bdal latsafer wala kelesh kelesh roo7 DUBAI its near o cheaper!!! 3esh 3ala gad ely 3endeek!!! mako esqa6 qoroth enshalah.. fotha!!

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