Sunday, December 17, 2006

Fuck Time Magazine!

I think Time Magazine's editor is one indecisive lazy fuck. How much time and effort did it take him in choosing EVERYONE as person of the year?

You're Time Magazine's person of the year!

Ofcoarse it's flattering when someone tells you that you're special. But let's face it, we're all unique - just like everyone else!

So I, as being "chosen" by Time Magazine as Person of the Year, decline.

I think it's bullshit and they just want to have more reach, next thing you know a "telemarketer" from Time Magazine would call and go: "Hey since we chose you as a person of the year, we think you should subscribe."

But you've got to let it slide, since 1982 they've been making rather stupid choices.

1982: The Computer (Incase you didn't notice - it's not a person).

1987: Gorbachev (With his "Leadership" the Soviet Union collapsed).

1988: Planet Earth (again, NOT A PERSON)!

1991: Ted Turner (ofcoarse, HE OWNS THE MOTHERFUCKER!)

1993: Yasser Arafat (Was he a person? Really? Well then, Fuck him & Allah yer7umah).

2000 & 2004: George Bush (No Comment - Mo wagta Jail again).

2003: The American Soldier (khali9aw elawadim).

2005: Bono (Talk about Bipolar - During the past 3 years they chose people who were in the business of killing, now a washed up musician - who happens to think he's saving lives).

Keep a straight face and tell me the editor is in his/her right mind and I'll show you an idiot. They thought everyone would be happy and proud.
Guess What Time Magazine, I'm still here!

Y'all better choose a real decent person with a real decent and significant accomplishment by 2007. After all 2006 was fucked up as it is, now all you did was add insult to the injury.

P.S. 1950 & 1966 were bad choices too.
P.S.S. My roommate decided to unsubscribe to Time Magazine.

* Approved by FAB.


Anonymous said...

1- I doubt you will decline thenomination

2- I certainly will decline to spare me your heart felt comments

3- I do agree that their pick is very stuipd


Naser said...

mosan mosan,

1- I would decline. (never do I want to be in the same list as many of the people on it - even though many had good accomplishments).

2- Had they picked an individual with something rather more beneficiary than video clips or expressing their thoughts, It'd be better. Due to the fact that the web didn't just revolutionize during the period between the end of 05 - end of 06.

3- thanks :)

felicityq8 said...

y3ni u have to be contravertial every time u right a topic ;p j\k

personally,, i will vote for u dear :D

no need to thank me ,,,, ;p

ahm shai yasr 3rfat ,,,,,, allah yr7mah :X

e7m e7m ,,,, i will stop here 3shan ma a5rbha akthr

felicityq8 said...

right= write *

hatha awl al5air ;D

Naser said...

No, I'm against voting.
But hey, you can vote cartoon characters. I mean since it's Kharba Kharba. :P

Mrs. said...

I have never ever ever ever read Time magazine (ok thats a lie bs ya3ni kelesh im No FAN!)

Naser said...

LOL, I like the fact inich e3tirafty sare3 sare3. :P
But you don't need to read Time Mag. Its a buncha bullcrap.

1001 Nights said...

HAHAHA This was hilarious! I was also like "say whaaa"??" when I heard about that we pick you crap. How hard is it to find a person of the year?! There are plenty of people who are deserving of that. Just take the rejects from the Nobel Peace Prize and put one of them as a person of the year oo bass 5ala99na!

Naser said...

1001 nights,
I love you. By that I mean thanks and I concur.

1001 Nights said...


Alvert said...


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