Saturday, December 15, 2007

Minor Update..

A week after my last post I went back to Kuwait. It was GREAT! (Greater than Tony's super crunchy and great tasting Frosties!)

Everything seemed to be going smooth and sweet.
I got a job, I actually demanded to buy my own car instead of relying on la familia. (BAD DECISION).

I haven't been posting anything since. I thought I need to sink into the society to re post. I'm still here. I got a story for EVERYDAY that passed by. My only problem is.. I don't get people!

It's like I can easily blend, but I always manage to ask myself: Are they normal? Is that right?

Reminds me of a quote..

Just when I discovered the meaning of life, it changed!

I can't seem to think straight, but my only refuge now is work. I've ended up being a workaholic! Me, out of all people!

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