Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Happy Day

You know your life is meaningless when you wake up at 2:15 AM.
The good part? In few hours everything would be open since its not "Christmas" anymore.

But I know this day is heading to a weird start when first thing I thought of was:

How much does one need to donate and/or be sick to name a disease after one?

Damn you Lou Gehrig's for planting those thoughts in me!


1001 Nights said...

Aaaah...intriguing question, indeed how much does one need to donate to receive such an honor? Well, in your particular case, I wouldn't presume it's an issue of financing or the extent of sickness, but rather what is the kind of sickness that could be named CoolFreak? Perhaps some sort of twitching-hip shaking combanison?

(I'd rather not have a sickness named after me, Ziniqua just sounds like a nasty rash...and you know...you dont really wanna rash to be named after you)

Naser said...

Coolfreak maybe for someone with mental issues I think. perhaps the funny type of mental patients. Someone like a character from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Nasser Syndrome maybe attributed to tourretes syndrome. Unfortunately Mel Gibson beat me to that.
Ziniqua would go well with .. NEVERMIND, I'll stop at that. :p

1001 Nights said...

oh please do tell

Naser said...

It's nothing really you said rash I thought of the people with the blue skin disease. Basically lack of oxygen in some type of membrane thingy - I'm not sure of the details but basically its a very rare disease (not even a disease) all there is to it is your skin goes blue. I think it's cool though. Not many have the prestige and exclusivity of having blue skin. Ziniqua's Syndrome!
Thank you Ziniqua! now I'll have to live with "I'm blue dabadeba.." in my head for few days!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! Love that song! I'm BLUE dabadeda badaaiieeeeeee

:/ 3ad Sej I'm blue.

Naser said...

Being blue sucks! I hated the color from that song!

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