Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Le Cafe

It's rather hard to goto class with eyes blood shut. I know it was almost 2:00 P.M. and I only require 6 hrs. of sleep. I know I was watching cartoons all night (and morning). So yeah, I partially am the one to blame for actually standing in line behind that cold bastard:

Hi, I'd like to have a white chocolate vanilla latte with decaf coffee, soymilk, whipped cream, a sprinkle of cinnamon and two splenda sachets.

First of all, ordering a decaf coffee is like ordering a cheeseburger with no cheese. Not only does it make no sense, it's stupid. When entering the world of coffee you substantially enter for the caffiene boost not for the trend. "LOOK AT ME I'M CUTE, I GOT COFFEE." How about getting a life? and while you're at it go die. Go OD on OJ or something.

Secondly, There is no such thing as Soy Milk, so stop calling it that. Soy is a Legume and Legumes have no tits.

I won't waste any comments on the "sprinkle of cinnamon", since it's just weird. Somehow I think Cinnamon is the most sinister of all herbs, had herbs had any character.

On top of all that, with all the sweet you're consuming you ask for Splenda? Those people are same ones who order: Double Quarter Pounder with extra cheese Combo supersized with Diet Coke!

Had it been me preparing the order, I'd gladly add my secret super special flavor: Oysters, farm raised in my throat with a hint of spearment, cigarette and cheese.

Some people are as sharp as beach balls, I don't like how many people took coffee as a trend rather than an actual purpose. I do want to note that I blame POP for that. :P


Anonymous said...

I say if ur starbux paper cup has a hand written paragraph on the side rather than just a check in one of the Decaf/Milk/Drink etc boxes, then u over did it.

Peony said...

i understand skim milk, decaf & soy milk.. but what i dont get is flavored coffee.. serioulsy..

Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as Soy Milk, so stop calling it that. Soy is a Legume and Legumes have no tits."

Funny doesn't even start to describe it! LOL!

Mrs. said...

"Had it been me preparing the order, I'd gladly add my secret super special flavor: Oysters, farm raised in my throat with a hint of spearment, cigarette and cheese."
Seriously, people like you scare me! Ana men ghair shay paranoid, now I actually know that there are people like u out there somewhere!

Mrs. said...

Btw is the posted picture the REAL name of the cafe u went to??

Naser said...

It wasn't a "Starbucks". Though they're building one right now, we've been enjoying the brew of finer franchises such as: Frothy Monkey, Crescent Coffee and Java City.

I can't relate to anything but Black Colombian and/or Kenyan Brew.

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it :P.

perfect stranger,
I used to know someone who actually worked for a franchise and he simply asked me to surrender to the fact that they mess with your food in many dif. ways. Basically, yetfaninoon bil dagat elmaleeqa.
and "Dawn Tawn Caffee" was from an e-mail foreward I got. This Coffee Place is in Jordan I think.

Anonymous said...

what ppl should understand is that starbux and other coffee franchises will remain a franchise and provide franchise quality goods. starbux is to coffee as mcdonalds is to food. that frothy monkey place sounds like a place id definately wanna visit.

Naser said...

Frothy Monkey is a place for bohemians, artists and hippies. My kind of place, I do enjoy chilling there it's pretty cozy. You may want to check their website: Frothy Monkey. You may want to check the merchandise section, one of the Kuwaiti graduates represented the monkey in Kuwait.

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