Does not being offended by anything means that you're a weaker person with nothing to stand up for?
Or does it mean you're a genius who couldn't care less of what other "unimportant" minds think?
Maybe it's because you're so self-centered?
Surprisingly I rarely EVER get offended, the way I see it is (No matter what is being said): "This person is striving for attention! Or maybe just trying to get me to lose my temper which isn't gonna happen."
Yep, that's my defense mechanism in action.
Ah, Whatever..
When in doubt I always go with this: "He who don't know the way will be lost, he whose lost will eventually find a way."
OK my Lebanese friend said it, I couldn't imitate the accent for shit so I translated. It makes much sense to me really. I also had the weirdest conversation on lunch last night, Would you lick the armpits of someone you love? short answer is NO!
I've also been jealous of that gay dude who desperately wanted to prove he's gay he actually showered with a 100 girls over a period of 1 year. JUST TO PROVE IT!
I wanna do something like that and make a documentary on it!
Speaking of documentaries. I've stumbled upon one called "The Aristocrats". About an inside comedian joke that has many versions. It's basically an offensive, dirty, grotesque joke. (My type of humor.)
This website has a wide range of aristocrats jokes.
There's this Ad I found. DAMN! I loved it, I mean its creative and coming from ze russians it means a lot. Although I'm not sure if its an actual ad or a parody..
I also do think that CBM on MBC is a disgrace. What kind of funny is it? It's not at all funny!
I think I can do a better job writing a show while a chimp acts it out!
Why do we strive to do sketches that aren't working and disgrace ourselves and the brains of viewers? That show has been on for few years now. It wasn't funny then, and aint funny now! Why don't anyone do something about it?
Are there some brain dead bastards out there who actually fancy it? Thats just weird yo.
Speaking of weird,
There are people out there against the execution of Saddam!
Search for any documentary by Kanan Makiya, AN OUTSTANDING REPORTER! He's been on the ba3th's tail since the mid 80's!
If, after watching what that bastard did as chronicled by Kanan, you still against the way he was hung.. You definitely deserve to be hung (and pissed on by me!).
MOFO killed babies! (as much as I thought that'd be funny in a way) NOW I'm against it.
Ok, what am I doing now?
I'm sorry to say that right about now.. I've far more important matters to attend to.
licking armpits? why not? its kinky.
hanging saddam - hell yes! But he should have been tried for all the other crimes he committed. It's not fair - he should have been tried for Kuwait and what he did to the Kurds and Iran and all of that...
I loved The Aristocrats! Whoopi Goldberg kicked major ass.
ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww @ licking arm pits. :S *shudders just thinking about it*
I rarely get offended too. There's always my ability to remain expressionless, no matter what I'm feeling- mako reaction! I rarely get offended cuz frankly, I don't care what people think. laish a3awir rasy
I will tell you like I told moe when we had that conversation over lunch few days back, "You're sick!"
Oh well, I don't care about saddam's trail it was all predetermined from the start so I saw it was best for the "less talky more hangy" tactic, if you will, to be administered.
Tsadgeen gali 3n el armpits wana kent ga3ed atghada? :(
Bss true why should you care about what people do. It's a waste of time, I think. Thnx for agreeing!
There was a debate once on TV, don't remember which channel that was, anyways .. they were categorizing the "lick~able armpits" of all time! Maria Sharapova had the honor of being on top of that list. :P
Last part of your post reminds me of this joke...
Q: How many kids does it take to paint your wall in red?
A: Depends how hard you throw them!!
lmfao!!! xD
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