Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Happy Things!

In response to enigma. BTW I feel like a 3rd grader writing this!

Things that make me happy (besides money):

Double D Silicon girls doing jumping jacks and/or jogging!
Good music.
Traveling to weird places.
Getting lost in weird places.
Being Free. (Meaning NO JAIL!)
The Beach.
Long discussions at night with friends.
Peeing when I REALLY need to go!
My gadgets (and getting new gadgets).
Meeting my people in Kuwait.
My beard.
The Crippler (AKA Goliath).
Driving at 2:00 A.M. Alone, preferably on The Gulf Road.
Accomplishing my goals of world domination ( I like playing RISK).
Babies crying!


Mrs. said...

OMG you give off such a contradicting vibe, on one occasion id think ur all hardcore ;P "Double D Silicon girls doing jumping jacks and/or jogging!'
AND then you turn all sappy and sensitive "Babies crying!"

AND why oh why do you have a beard?

Naser said...

I'm not sensitive, I'm complex! (7elwa complex?) :P

Naser said...

And BTW I like to see babies crying, whether its me making them cry or them crying for no reasons.
My beard being grown means that I've nothing to do: No presentations, No courts, basically nothing important.

Extinct Dodo said...

so how's the world *denomination* going, any luck with that?

and is that a typo, or are my eyes playing tricks on me? :/

Anonymous said...

Haha! Love it!

perfect stranger where's the sappy and sensitive part? Babies crying makes him HAPPY!!

freakin sadist

Naser said...

Thanks for noting.

I'm no sadist. Being sadist is beating a baby seal to death with a baby OR the other way around.

A baby's cry gives me a sense of comfort. Either the baby's sick, wants titties, teething and/or filled its pampers with a noteable gift.

I'm alarmed when they laugh and/or smile. You never know what they're upto. Playing on the roof, playing with their own shit or perhaps even sipping some clorex!

antihero said...


welcome to the club, i'm a beardist.. the best way to say "if your laws, regulations, conventions and traditions say that I'm not free to grow a few hairs on my face.. then here it is" A beard that says, I'm a bohemian artist... I do not respect you :P

And concerning the Double D silicon girls.. losing weight has never been so much fun to me.

1001 Nights said...

Regarding your coment about babies "I'm alarmed when they laugh and/or smile. You never know what they're upto"

Dont worry about it so much...it's just gas.

If it bothers you so much and you want them to cry though you can rub your beard against their face and pretend that you're giving them an affecionate hug in front of their parents.

Mrs. said...

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL !!! Smiling because they are playing with their own shit !!

Anonymous said...

LoL!! zain ashwa 7amdila i was getting worried :P

By the way I was kidding, please don't take anything I write seriously.

As for babies, I HATE it when they cry. I just wanna suffocate them until they shut up!

coquette said...

peeing when u really need to go is always amazing!! lol

MacaholiQ8 said...

lol! Well that's a decent list, why feel bad about it?

Dakhtour said...

Cool list.. Specially the 1st one :P

Naser said...

Long live the BEARD!

Honest to god, I'm not allowed to be around my baby cousins. I stare at them and they cry. So I just say hi and they move them into a safer place.

perfect stranger,
Honestly, some do that!

I always take you seriously, it breaks my heart and makes me question my self when you call me a cynical and a sadist! :P

peeing is awesome!

the criticizer,
No, I just don't like lists.

The first one is very important in maintaining a joyful life! :P

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