I love animals!
Ivan the Terrible, 1st Czar of Russia, thought he was personally anointed by God to be the Ruler of Russia. He also enjoyed torturing animals as a kid.
I love fishes, mice, cats, cows, sheep, monkeys, peaches.. Wait peaches are fruits. Native to China too, Nihoa! But back to our subject. I want to start by giving few fun facts about Animals.
- A 'bitch' is more likely to bite you than a male dog. (No wonder they call her a bitch).
- Cows have 4 stomachs. (That's like how many hot dogs?)
- A zebra is white with black stripes. (Isn't that supposedly politically incorrect?)
- Sharks are immune to cancer. (FIND THE REASON AND THE CURE, please!)
- A snail can have about 25,000 teeth.
- A pig's orgasm lasts for 30 minutes. (I so wanna be a pig!)
- The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the male's head off. (I think I once knew a praying mantis.)
- Abalones are a type of snail with five assholes. (If all else fails, start ripping people more assholes than an Abalone.)
Mice, I loved feeding them to the piranhas! That was long before I vowed not to kill any animal, unless I'm going to eat it.
Fun things to do with mice:
1- Watch them swim, (its legs move like turbines.)
2- Scare them shitless, LITERALLY!
Notice how we scared that poor animal until it shat it self!
So, does that mean we scared it shitfull or shitless?
But back to my valuable pointers!
3- Feed it to the Piranhas!
If you never seen a delicious mouse being grotesquely devoured by a school of piranhas, you're missing half your life. A very fun experiment. (R.I.P. Mouse!).
P.S. That was long before I vowed not to hurt anything.
P.S.S. Some animals were harmed in the making of this post.
P.S.S.S Never EVER name an animal before killing it, it's just gonna make things a little bit complicated.
P.S.S.S.S. Don't ask about my childhood.
If you never seen a delicious mouse being grotesquely devoured by a school of piranhas, you're missing half your life. A very fun experiment. (R.I.P. Mouse!).
P.S. That was long before I vowed not to hurt anything.
P.S.S. Some animals were harmed in the making of this post.
P.S.S.S Never EVER name an animal before killing it, it's just gonna make things a little bit complicated.
P.S.S.S.S. Don't ask about my childhood.
lol interesting facts...i would like to know who was there to calculate the pig's orgasm?! lol
and i know a kid who named kharoof el3eed rocky...they had him weeks before el3eed..which gave the kid enough time to get attached and name this kharoof...and then "rocky" was cooked for lunch :S how do our kids make it without therapy i do not know! Lol
after reading your post i watched a mice being eaten alive by piranhas, they named him before feeding him to them though, still satisfying
pig's orgasm lasts for 30 minutes. (I so wanna be a pig!)
awwww... hehe yeah we studed the cow in AS bio:P no wonder people say ur eating like a cow cuz they never get full! hehee:)... oh pigs:P... weird
I'm just glad there are no facts about roaches as well. :P
Why would a snail need so much teeth?! Why would it need teeth in the first place?!
Cool facts though :)
ENta shenoooo :P
ur so cruel and mean and heartless and (more synonoums please )
Bs ma9akait 3ala my cuzins cousin, she had a pet kitten at home, she used to put it in a plastic bag and swirl the poor kitten high above her head and then open the plastic bag and watch the kitten helplessly trying to maintain its balance.
When I heard hal salfa I cried
LOL, Yeah I've a story similar to Rocky's.
blake benji,
Yeah, I had a named dinner once. Didn't taste good though.
You can say that again.
It's worth it.
On top of that they've lotsa tube worms!
the criticizer,
I've my own fact book about roaches.
Same reason they've that much assholes.
perfect stranger,
I hate kittens from an earlier experience. I don't want to get into that though. :p
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