Wednesday, February 24, 2010

February, The Month of Soap!

Foam party.

The country with highest amount of lung issues and Asthma attacks is Kuwait.
That is one smart party.
It is like used condoms in the country with most HIV infection.
Very Smart.

Lung diseases, however, are spread all over Kuwait!
This might be due to many factors.
The over cluttering of cars.
The closeness of factory plants to the city.
Less environmental precautions.
Smoking, Freon, CFC, and god knows what.
And we party with Foam.
CFC filled Foam Cans
Very smart!

This is Kuwait.
Or as I say TIKBFK.

Never mind all that.
What pisses me off is the next couple of days.
The very people with lung infections will go around spraying foam at each other.
I am glad I got everything intact.
I am happy that I won't leave my home.

In its defense, a friend tried to compare Kuwait's National and Liberation days to La Tomatina.
Tomato Fight in Bunyol.
I say, Ma akhas men el marbo6 ela el miftilit.

If you consider Foam Wars uncivilized. Then take a look at La Tomatina in Spain!
I say them Spaniards are not civilized either. I even think it raises the bar creating a new Law.
What is worse than wasting money on foam dispensing tin cans is to throw "ni3mat allah" at each other.
As a matter of fact, I think I read some story about God's wrath that hit people who disrespected the gift of God, i.e. "Food".

I wish I would live to see how God responds to that La Tomatina, and I hope I die before I see what God is holding for us in Kuwait.

So they tell me, Maybe it is your in city experience.
Maybe you did not see the chalet thing.
How about both?
Or perhaps all..

Chalet, Camps, Gulf Road, anyone who holds a tin can and/or participates in this festivity in anyways possible (water balloons and water guns) is indeed Hailigi.
I, nonetheless, do enjoy the nomads during these festivities. They party with Hard. They party with rocks and limestone.
That is always fun to watch. Someone is bound to die. Death at parties is always fun, especially nomadic ones..

After all, how patriotic are you when your party theme for National & Liberty day is littering your own country?


Anonymous said...

a day for anarchy.... I always thought you <3 that

Naser said...

I am pro anarchy. I am, however, anti themes. Theme cancels Anarchism. Defies the purpose.

RPS said...

Informative post

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