Friday, April 10, 2009

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

I do not get pathological liars.
I do not get liars period.

I mean I am sure there is a reason, but why? I really need to know.
I stumble upon liars like e'eryday.

Lying is an easy escape but a damned prison!

I myself do not lie. I do have my own method of story telling.

I like exaggerating and dramatizing a certain situation.

For example 10 minutes in human standards is 10 in Nasser years. 10,000 years is a regular phrase too.

I am proud of it since I just figured out that 10,000 years is translated to BANZAI in Japanese.

This is out of respect for the Emperor, started during the 8th century, when they wished he reigned for 10,000 years.

I sure hope he does, unfortunately I do not think I have that much patience, lemme die and get over with it.

In case you did not notice, I am practicing some Japanese, hopefully I would be able to speak it by the end of the year.

But back to the main point, why do they keep lying?

I can understand the usual customary compliment lie. Mashalla, your shoes are nice!

(I was wearing a pair of crocs with a dishdasha to work you idiot how nice is that? And why the hell are you checking out my feet anyways, you freak!)

But patholically lying about everything!?
This is simply unbearable.

One of my people usually calls everyday at 5 P.M. asking me what I got planned for today?
Nothing Dowaniya..
I'll be there in an hour.

He never shows up. Why did you bother calling and/or give me a false promise?
This does not bother me.

There are other types of liars. The ones who steal actual events to share placing themselves and others as main characters. That is better than choosing a cartoon and replace elsanafir with you and your family. Either ways its pathetic.

Back in highschool I had a guy who claimed he was chilling with "7akeem el aqzam"
But then again he also claimed that a dragon lit him a cigarette and the ownership of a printer that prints stuff he bought from amazon! I sure hoped that was true.

I wanted to believe some of the shit I heard from people over the years just because it would be cool.

There are also those who seek to spread rumours. A fantasy porno, an important death, a big embezzlement, even a war! So what use is that? and how is it constructive?

By the way, concealing the truth is just ask good! Sure sometimes truth hurts, but I would rather be hurt than be lied to. As if I got any feelings left.

Good thing I can spot a lie EASY, and I do not have tolerance to those who do it. Whether it is a friend, family, or even a total stranger, I immediately blow thier cover and call their bluff. I kinda enjoy it.

In all cases lying is not healthy, and what scared me the most, its considered a way of life here in Kuwait!

And then 17 y/o girls blame their 27 y/o boyfriends for doing something nasty, the wife blames the husband for cheating, the consumer blames the producer for false advertising, the people blame the politicians for faking it, and everyone blames ze Egyptians.

(I do not know how I reached that conclusion so do not ask.)

I rarely give a promise because I keep mine. I hope some of the important peoples in Kuwait keep theirs. Yes, I am aware I pluralized people.

In the end I ask myself, is it worth lying? what is it for? Money? Fame? Whatever? I really do not care I just think it is plain cowardness.

Speaking of Cowardness and Banzai I am, along with a certain reader, we are, going to live like a gyokusai, a shattered jewel.


"a great man should die as a shattered jewel rather than live as an intact tile"

Poker is fair game though


Anonymous said...

ya 7ayaaak to the end

Anonymous said...

Sometimes you write with such exquisite clarity that it is hard to believe you wrote the other posts. This was one of the amazing ones.

You were born to write. You were born to express things others can't begin to articulate.

Anonymous said...

"lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off"...wise words and so true ;P

Naser said...


thanx, i am flattered.

its a double edged sword, you can say.

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