Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mr. Prado

As a way of  redirecting my angst and releasing it positively I am going to start a bunch of "Dear (whoever)" posts. This is to see if I can avoid hurting anyone by posting. If this doesn't work, I guess it's back to good ol ass whipping for me. So here goes:

Dear Mr. Prado 97,

I am sorry I broke your windshield. No I'm not. It's just that I don't appreciate people blocking my car at the parking space. I do not think a sticker with: "Hey, please don't park here" is enough. If you were late, that does not mean I have to suffer.
This is not an apology. This is my way of saying: Look at the bright side, better your windshield than your face. Yes, I tried to redirect my anger, release it on your car and spare you. Lucky you, courtesy didn't just disappear..

The plan was you until the car in front of me moved. I wanted to wait for you, only I have already been waiting for 45 minutes.
Dear Mr. Prado being civilized does not have a cost. The way I see it I was not half civilized too, but if you insist on turning my country into a third world hell hole. Bring it on. Sure there are other ways to treat that problem, but in my book it would be something like: split radiator, melted wheels, and a floor board filled with fluids.
Dear Mr. Prado, believe me, better your windshield than your face.


I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you were an object, don't ever cross me. I proved to your windshield and I'll prove it to any of your belongings. This includes the sack of rotten meat you call a body.

Off Topic: 

This is my new marketing pitch/threat to people who piss me off:

Are you depressed? Have interest rates got you down? My name is Nasser and I'm here to offer you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Sell your organs LIVE! On my block. I offer the best rebate on your babies! Get rid of the fat and dumb ones. Replace them with decent ones. No need to worry financially we'll give you a push start. And remember you can never succeed unless you try, try, and try some more.


Smart-y said...

lol.. zain sawait baradt chabdek!

Anonymous said...

That's a creative way to do it, to just get everything out in the open and release ur anger.
keep it up ;p

Mrs. said...

My my, someone needs anger management classes, as for ur marketing pitch threat, booooooooooy u do have an imagination. What tv channels do u watch for entertainment?

antihero said...

Aren't we angry?
I would never do such a thing. I get angry.. but I try to avoid the physical..

good for you though.
And your ad isn't too much. I hate dumb kids, they should be exchanged for better ones, polite ones, and take the bad dumb ones to camps where you train them to be servants and maids.

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