Sunday, March 29, 2009


Recently, my goals have indeed took a different route!

Apparently, "Go to work, do your best, and go home", was too much to ask for!
I got to a level where: "Go to work and do not kill your boss!" Is really hard to achieve.

I thought being good was enough, I was mistaken, the deal was to kiss ass.

But that is not what I am getting into. I am here to record the alternatives.

Let us say that I did indeed kill my boss, or hurt him real bad, for sure I would get fired.

So, what next?

Apart from my job I have compiled a collection of jobs, weird/bad, jobs, nonetheless.

Here are somethings that would entitle me to say, Mo ent ele teg6a3 rezgee, upon getting fired.

Historian - I can talk all day about my recent obsession over Chen Shou's Records of the Three Kingdoms.

Then I got into thinking, why not do what I am doing right now for a living?

Writer: Give me a working keyboard and that should not be that hard. Or, you can always donate if you like what you read.

Photographer: I actually did better with a camera phone than some of those who had expensive SLR, picture me with an SLR, WOHO!

English Teacher: Kill is a verb, Grand Boss is a noun, cute is an adjective. How hard can this be?

Novelist: Yes I can tell a story.

Political Activist: I know there are many, but any idiot can be one. Look at the ones we already have and tell me I cannot be one.

Dumb Mathematician: I know I cannot be a smart one.

Designer: One bastard had a zipper on a dishdasha. He sold it for 500 K.D. and all of a sudden he is a visionary artist. I sure can do better than that.

Economist: I am good at it, and we need a couple of those.

Of coarse there are always other alternatives: Driver, prostitute, and thief. But we got enough of those. (I Do not want to mess the supply and demand curve). I told you I was a good economist did I not?

The main thing holding me from fulfilling my dream is making the perfect resignation letter.

I always say: If you want to do, do BIG!

And for that I have to wait.

Aside from that, why is there different connotation to the word open-minded?

Does it depend on the person or the situation?

One "open-minded" person thought not being racist was it.

Another viewed it as alcoholism.

Some even mistaken it for sexual addiction. Being a whore is not being open minded.

So please do not attempt to cover your carnal obsessions, drug addictions, and failures by being "open minded".

Not that I am against them.


Anonymous said...

Finally back!!!
was just about to perpetrate suicide, til i read your latest.
Hayward is messin' whith my mind son!
sincerely,, cuz

Anonymous said...

"Let us say that I did indeed kill my boss, or hurt him real bad, for sure I would get fired."

Let us say that if you were to hurt him or kill him, getting fired would be the very least of your problems, and your 'career' would be on hold for a good long while. :-(

Sounds like it's a really good think you are looking at alternatives. You ARE a very good writer. One of the English language dailies?

Extinct Dodo said...

English teacher? Epic fail:

-my goals have indeed TAKEN
-Here are some things
-of course, not coarse
-why ARE there different connotationS
-Some even mistook, not mistaken

So you can scratch THAT "alternative".

Mrs. said...

BAAAAAAAAAAAAIHH! Where the hell were u?! And yes true Kuwait doesnt understand the word Open Mindedness,, NO ONE in kuwait is ;P

Anonymous said...

hey you
i was searching every where for you
we really need to talk
add me if its possible

Anonymous said...

all in favor of a new post say i..
i i i ii ii

Naser said...

ikil sambosa

I think I can get away with beating the bejesus out of him

fooq U

been around


I'm guessing khalod again, done!

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