Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Silent Listener

No really I'm loud,

But I am no Dr. Phil. Yes, I shave my head, I am not bald though!

However, I think people are mistaking me for him.

They keep laying relationship problems on me like eggs on easter.

I love this girl, but she's bla bla bla... (SHUT THE FUCK UP).

I do not know what to do about that yada yada yada... (SILENCE! In a James Earl Grey tone with a posh British accent).

I do not mind if people start laying their problems on me. Honestly, I want to help.

But somethings are almost unsolvable.

Speaking of which, can you justify cheating just because everyone else is doing it?

It's like watching retards fucking, just because it's funny.

Sure it's funny, it's perverse too!


Speaking of which, during the past year, the closest I got to a real relationship was a facebook profile, better yet a phone call to Hala Watani 801801.

And she keeps telling me I'm broke too! BITCH!


isaythedarnestthings said...

i like it when people get to me for their personal problems. girls are great at that, you know i could spent probably an hour or two just discussing what flan's mesg meant. lol yeah it's our thing to bitch and whine but it could be annoying if it's a guy, you are supposed to suck it up and move on.

Naser said...

Bionic Noufa,
My analyzing skills are never better than average. Drinking means you're thirsty and that's all it got to it.
Plus, we do not move the story around. We keep it in.

Smart-y said...

ana 3indii, yekalmonii wala yrou7 7q falan, elli 3adii 3nda yeqol 7q falantan 3nek!

bs marrat t9eer me9a5a! malii 5elq, just leave me alone!! aw methel ma qlt enta "unsolvable" issues :P

anyway, ya36eek el 3afya 3ala 6oulat balek!

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