Saturday, October 07, 2006

Chronicles of El Baqari

this story takes place over the period of 3 weeks
to be more practical
the last 3 weeks.
i usually finish my class at 12 and or have a break at 12. where i get to goto my ELS (english learning school) friends where THEY got a break.
probably have lunch or something.
then i saw him.
naif goes i want u to meet el baqari (the cow) i go who what? he goes mohammed a new kid he looks like a cow really (as shown on the left).
baqari came to me asking. can u help open a bank account for me plz.
its hard to say no. a kid with no english background in a new country away from family probably needed some minor assistance as we all did when we 1st came here.

so i took him to the bank, did the impossible to open a bank account without the right paper work and all.. good thing i had the ability of speaking and socializing really or else they wouldnt have ever accepted his work.. but an account was opened. i rem asking him do u want ur permanent visa to get to ur home addresss? he goes what do i know im still new pls let it be through UR home address.. and i felt hesitated but let it slide.

as usual new accounts require an atm card the bank cant provide the permanent until a week. so he got it and used it for 2 days until he saw the bank account fucking up where he went to every bastard in society telling them i stole his money coz the atm was just broken or somethin.. i took him to the bank to prove to him i haven't stole 200 .. why would i? why should i?

time goes by... a week to be more precise.
son of a bitch goes.. wheres my visa.. take me to the bank .. so he goes to the bank without his other friends without me knowing.. walking and asks for the visa they say we sent it a week back. that day ... (i got it) the visa.. and gave him a call i was like u got ur visa atm card dude he be like thnx.

when i went back to the car..
naif followed me.
goes u know? he cancelled his visa..
i go no WAY! why?
he sez he thought u'd steal him!
in the end ull meet people that suck ass.
i called him
he goes nasser u know.. its like u know.. i was afraid u see.. and u ..
and im like listen i swear im just trying to hold my self from not turning back to ur house and kicking ur ass bad.
he goes walla nasser u never know u know.. its hard to trust
i hung up.
he keeps apologizing ...
but i shalln't forgive..
it pissed me off how u try only to help and ur misjudged but this thing shall not stand. this agrression shalln't stand.

alrighty thats the end of el baqari.
fuckin asshole


coquette said...

You have weird friends dude! And again...not even hot!! :/ I mean it would be fine if they were hot, but ...!!

Naser said...

we work with what we got..

Orangene said...


Anonymous said...

MMCF (Moo Moo Cow Fuck)

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