Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Slow Death to the Masses

There was that beige bermuda physician with real big toes, all and all she looked cute.

Speaking of which, since when did nutritionists became doctors? I was never informed!

And doctor Hussa was talking about why that tailor made cuter lab coats.

I say try finding a tailor who makes cuter scrubs, pink is not the way to go.

Doctors are very nice, I really think they're cool, I just refuse to trust anyone who smiles that much.

Plus what if they can't diagnose decapitation? That can't be good!

I might trust House though. He's realistic

He's an asshole too, assholes are more credible.

I have been weird lately, basically I'm checking shoes and toes, deciding what should be my official drink for the time being, and counting days.

Right now my official drink is Tonic Water, it used to be sparkling, but now it changed.

My cousin Khaled got me addicted to it.

As for counting, if it was true that every cigarette I smoke reduces a day of my life span, I have already wasted 160 years.

I have been super distracted lately, I just came to find out that the heart muscle can shoot blood 10 meters in the air.

I really want to see this theory in action, I bet it'd make a big mess though.

The funny thing is, there is a smoking room in Al Amiri Hospital!

No, I am not talking about the stairs, where I usually smoke.

Any public hospital in Kuwait is a deathtrap.

Sicko aint got shit on our health system!

But the sad part was me finding a cigarette butt in the elevators, no, a burn mark on a private room's bed sheet.

I can't figure which is worse really.

Since I was 15 I have not went to any doctor, I somehow reckoned I can fix my self.

I know if I ever get the chance to goto a physician I'd find all types of diseases.

They say even saliva can kill you!

Only if swallowed in small portions over a long period of time!

But then again, I can't trust anyone who is being too nice to me, so instead I have been treating my self with herbs.

And no I am not referring to pot.

I bet I can spot a trainee doc from an expert. Just by eyeballing him/her.

Is it considered stealing?

If I shopped out of someone else's shopping cart?

I mean the shelves did not carry it, but I found the last available item!

I was stalking that lady earlier just to grab that thing I wanted.

The way I see it is, she did not pay, it was still for sale.

So was that stealing? Please advise.

Speaking of Stalking, I miss her.

Lastly, Dubai is a good place to be! Emaraties are SUPER nice too!

But the native ladies still have that weird bokla thing on their heads!

Please update.

I think Dubai derives from Do Buy, it was not more than a huge mall!

With clubs on the side..


Doesn't Play Well With Others said...

dude r u dying or sth ? :p

w do buy kaak smart ga6a :p

w i had another comment bs wayid t7achait bl post w my memeory span barely rivals that of a goldfish so dammit nesait
(yeah by now i realise that last sentence malha da3i :D )

Naser said...

You actually read all that?

Doesn't Play Well With Others said...

mustve been really bored :p

Naser said...

Not that, I woke up today, read it. I was like WTF!

Doesn't Play Well With Others said...

qasdi i mustve been really bored 2 have read the whole thing :p

w yea if i wrote that w read it the next morning i would be like wtf 2 :p

laish a7es im not helping ? :p

Naser said...

Walla madri if its a good or bad. I'll take it as a compliment? shako? cause nothing makes sense anymore :P

doona said...

loool ;)

well, next time youre in a hospital, you just let me know and ill find you some of those assholes who wont be smiling all the time. im surprised you havent run into any yet though :S

ps: im not sure if its stealing or not :S

Naser said...

lol, if there were asshole docs, there are always aggressive patients to deal with them.

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