Saturday, April 07, 2007

makes you think..


1- never slept more than 24 hrs!
2- got the ability to shut off from all surroundings.
3- have an ambition of growing my beard till my belly and dying it with henna.
4- still wanna be a cop.
5- can sleep anywhere! Literally.
6- look at things differently.
7- own four alarm clocks two of which has two different alarms.
8- middle finger "imkha9ar".
9- would taste any food item, atleast once. (except reptiles). Maybe snake.
10- don't believe in "phobia".

Check this out - Walla it's worth it!
I loved the old days! As I recall.

The Question was:
What would you do If you "had" a superpower.
I liked the "Hardcore Salmiya Fan" - Who said we didn't have hooligans? :P


Extinct Dodo said...

shino ya3ny finger im5a9ar

eshda3wa said...

lol 3ala the beard

i loved the vedio
the sunglasses kelhum back in style
and kel ele the people want then, they still want NOW
so its sad to see how not much has chaned
except the 7qooq elseasiyah
bswe still have a long way to go with that

Peony said...

"have an ambition of growing my beard till my belly and dying it with henna."

if u ever do that, plz send me a picture on how it went ;p

Ms. Sarah said...

i have the same question as Dodo's...

LOL @ the video! kilihum yaboon ya7regoon Israel oo fe nas yaboon yem7oon el banat min el wejood if getting rid of their mu9akha isn't enough lol

1001 Nights said...

You have to taste 5irwi3 and/or 7ilba when you come back to Kuwait inshalla.

Now what would you do if you had a super powa?

Mrs. said...

kherwe3 or 7elba? ESHNAWYA 3alaih ya 1001 :P

I still want to be a dr :P
I hate people who can sleep anywhere, actually I'm jelous of them cuz I have difficulty sleeping :P

What do u mean u look at things differently?

1001 Nights said...

perfect stranger shshshsh! don't ruin my plot!

Salman said...

i don't know what is creepier:the people that used to cruise at el salmiyah or the fact that i remember watching this clip on TV when it was aired

Naser said...

extinct dodo,
Ya3ni finger emkha9ar!

The beard is an important part of my personality! I am not sure how, but it feels that way.

I don't know if the ideas and sunglasses changed or stayed the same but I'm sure many males lost that ridiculous moustache!

LOL, I think "that bearded bum" would get its publicity without pictures.

ziniqua + perfect stranger,
Sorry to shatter your hopes girls but I already tried kherwi3 and 7elba. In a weird way, I like 7elba. I don't do it though for obvious reasons. (3ayazna ib hal 7elba wel za3tar la 6ebna wala ghada eshar). BTW I'm writing this while drinking maramiya!

Int oldschool man! LOL - Madre laish 7asait inik shayfa 3ala estera7at elyem3a or something.

1001 Nights said...

LOL! I wana know what sickness you had that compelled your family to give you 7ilba! ana 5ubri y36ooona 7ag il mara 3ugb il wilada!

Naser said...

I don't know walla,
All those herbs are like one to me - Different flavors of redbull. I tried enough, I haven't got a differenciated taste perception towards it.

NoNoWa said...

Four alarm clocks- 5alas u are now my idol!!! LOOL! I can hardly get up in tht morning and the snooze button is my friend...
DO NOT grow out your beard and dye it with henna- NO WAY!! :)

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