The correlation between (Hunter Gatherers) Rural Kuwait Natives and its relativity to Velocity and Time have often been undetermined, and neglected. In a series of random test taken over a period of two years I have discovered a Trend to it. My study indicated a 2.3 KM increase over the speed limit in every 3 KM distance away from the City.
My job requires me to move around quite a bit.
It consists of long drives to industrial areas such as Mina Abdullah, Mina Ahmadi, and Mina Shuaiba.
Living close to urbanized Kuwait City.
I am not used to rural areas.
Not that it is even remotely far, let alone rural.
However, for the sake of my differentiation, I shall use Rural to avoid confusion.
The further I drive Southwest, heading to Saudi Border, the faster people drive.
I drive 130 KM/hr, I therefore am, breaking an actual traffic law in Kuwait. Guilty.
Unfortunately, the further I travel Southwest, that is normal.
Driving close to speeding cars and comparing their speed to mind shows me the increase as apposed to the distance I travel away from City Center.
In every 3 KM Distance away from City Center, there is a 2 KM increase in the average Speed.
Figure 1-1
It is apparent that the further you go away from City Center heading towards rural Areas there is a change of the social members of society.
This taken into perspective, I think there is a correlation between Social Structures and The Relativity of Time.
Which brings us to another Questions.
Why are Bidwan always in a hurry?
Is that a part of their anatomy?
Or was it implanted in their genes, being hunter-gatherers and what not.
The further I go down the Southwest, the faster they seem to drive.
My results show an apparent trend in speed, distance, and social culture.
This might be due to two reasons:
Either it is location and/or social classification of society, that mostly affects speed and distance. I propose conducting a thorough study comparing the difference of the time perception between Hunter-Gatherers (Nomads) and Stratified Society Members (US). The study will also reveal the correlation between the levels of velocity and aging.
King Fahad Road
Personal Observation
Raw data taken over the coarse of 2 years indicating speed and distance from city center on a high way road.
Distance City Center - Speed Limit - Actual Speed:
I will leave you with a video showing the type of craziness I have to deal early in the morning.
OK, it is not that bad, but that is the Far Southwest.